Physical and Mental health is the balance of one’s health and wellness. Delta works diligently to educate our community about health related topics by providing awareness and prevention to aid in early detection. With these proper tools, individuals are able to develop a personal responsibility for their health, asses minor illnesses, and determine attention is needed.
Physical and Mental Health creates an awareness of chronic illnesses and diseases, which disproportionately affect the Black Community, and implements programs to educate members on accessing health services, the benefits of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicare, Kids First and Medicaid. With collaboration with the health community to sponsor seminars, workshops, health screening and other vehicles for learning about diseases and their prevention.
Physical and Mental Health:
Plans learning activities and participate in designated months for Breast Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Domestic Violence Awareness, Heart, etc.
Highlights service areas that the chapter serves on how to use online resources to become more knowledgeable about both mental and physical health.
Develops a repertoire of health resources for distribution to the community.
Implement sand keep the chapter abreast of national initiatives to address physical and mental health.
Cooperates with other entities to collaborate efforts concerning health issues.
The Physical and Mental Health Committee brings awareness to the community about different health related issues through sponsorship of the following:
Health Related Issues Awareness for Members & Community
Alabama Kidney Foundation
American Diabetes Association
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
Health and Wellness Workshops
Health Fairs
For more info contact: PHYSICALMENTAL@BirminghamDST.org